Monday, December 1, 2008

Jingle Cross Rock 2

Day 2

I woke up Sunday morning and looked outside. The ground was covered in wet snow and snow was falling at a 60 degree angle. Normally I would be excited about racing in these conditions but I was actually scared to do the race because the course is so difficult that when you add in the element of zero traction some parts could be downright treacherous such as the descent down Mt Krumpit.

When I got to the race it seemed like there were half as many cars in the parking lot as the day before. A lot of people must have wimped out when they heard the weather report. I must admit, they were a lot smarter than me.

Tim and I preride the course and I was able to ease my fears when I was able to navigate the treacherous descent down Mt. Krumpit. I dial in my tire selection and air pressure and I'm ready to race.

My start puts me top 10 and I figure this could be a good day. Unfortunately my race unraveled on the first run up and the decent down the off camber side of the hill. I'm trying to run up the hill yet sliding backward. Once I got to the top people were falling down all around me trying to navigate down the side hill. I couldn't do any better and I fell about three or four time while trying to run/walk down the hill.

I ride around the course and make it to the base of the backside of the Mt Krumpit climb. I slide out at the base of the hill. Traction is terrible and I can't remount, forced to run up I lose a bunch more spots and am really doing a bad job of conserving any energy.

At the top I have confidence I can ride the down hill and start to make up some time on the leaders. All the fans are at the bottom cheering and taking pictures. I find a good line and let go of the brakes and let gravity take me down. Someone in front of me crashes and I'm able to steer around his carbon fiber bike. So far, so good.

However the rider gets up right in my line and we collide at full speed. I haven't hit anyone that hard since my days of playing linebacker back at the Academy. The fans were camped out there to see crashes and they got a good one. As I was laying in the mud I heard one spectator say "ewww, that was bad." I hope someone got that on video because I think that crash could make me a youtube star.

I'm dazed and confused and slightly bloody but my bike is OK and I keep going. I can't remember much else from the race except that I crashed and fell a lot.

Another back of the pack finish for me on day 2 but I still won some swag. At the end of the race Team Skin awarded me a pair of Oakly Flak Jackets for having the best crash of the 2/3 race. It almost makes the throbbing pain in my head and neck worth it.

The last race of the year is next week at Montrose Harbor. I hope I recover enough to toe the line. Hopefully we'll get a pretty good turnout from the rest of the team for one last race before the cold and dreary off season begins.

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